Whether from right or left, RETVRN Twitter or Bluesky elders, it implies lack of seriousness and commitment for those of us who choose not to spend our lives in the studied contemplation of productivity or accelerationist revolution.
There is little point to debating the merits of fanhood. I think most of us who would post on Bluesky or read about it here are aware of the realities of dedicating such time and deriving such enjoyment from watching other people (generally much younger) compete on the field, court, or ice. We are aware of the downstream effects and can reflect on our own contributions good and bad.
Existing within this ambiguous state is
called being human. Few things are clear-cut, good and bad can be found just a
few layers deep. Taken to the extreme, any hobby or distraction could be
classified as an immoral waste of resources depending on the perspective of the
objective observer. It is worth exploring these questions and doing the moral
calculus individually. But in a broader sense, who is to decide what past-times
are beneficial and which are not? The strict alternative might be to seek joy
only in toil and work, but few are capable of doing so. Somehow we all seek the
spirit of a life well-lived.