Monday, October 2, 2017

Fan Factions with a Buzzfeed Quiz!

It seems like with every coaching change, fans split into factions. Zealous factions. Friends become enemies, enemies become friends. The dynamics of message boards totally change as long-term alliances blow apart into acrimonious flame wars where people who used to tailgate together no longer acknowledge the existence of one another. Twitter devolves into a Hobbesian state of nature, irrational arguments lobbed into the ether where they are countered with appeals to emotion and, if you’re Brian Anderson, claims that you’ve got a lot to say, but are going to remain silent. Classic use of the paralepsis, folks.

The Claeys-to-Fleck transition has been no different. Fleckolytes were pounding their chests going into the bye week, having noticeably improved from Week 1 to Week 3. We had the #1 rushing and scoring defenses in the country and dismissed the Claeys-Sawvel defenses as good, but maybe not as great as what Robb Smith did at Arkansas and what he was building here. Well, the tide turned on Saturday as the Snorlaxians saw massive weaknesses on Fleck’s offense and defense and the knives were out. Saturday on Twitter and the Gophertronz was…interesting, to use a classic Minnesota word.

So, hey, I thought, let’s put together a quiz to see what camp we all fall into. That way, we can know with certainty who our friends are and who we should shiv between the ribs because they are not loyal Gopherists.

1. I was thrilled when Coach Claeys was fired
a. Yes
b. No
c. I was indifferent

2. Coach Fleck is over the top and I hate his shtick
a. Yes
b. No
c. I am indifferent toward his shtick

3. The program was doing fine under Claeys
a. Yes
b. No
c. I'm really not sure

4. I have not been impressed by the coaching this year
a. Yes
b. No
c. I don't really know

5. The games are much more enjoyable this season
a. Yes
b. No
c. They're pretty much the same

6. Team discipline was bad last year and seems to be much better this year
a. Yes
b. No
c. They're pretty much the same

7. Recruiting seems to have taken an uptick since Fleck took over
a. Yes
b. No
c. I haven't really noticed

8. I respond positively when non-Gopher fans ask me about coach Fleck
a. Yes
b. No
c. No one talks to me about Gopher football or Coach Fleck

And now for the scoring (and there's a 0% chance I don't screw this up):

If you answered A on questions 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 give yourself 1 point each
If you answered B on questions 2, 3, 4 give yourself 1 point each
If you answered B questions 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, subtract 1 point each
If you answered A questions 2, 3, 4 subtract 1 point each

If you answered C for any of them, try some meth or prozac and have an opinion. Give yourself 0 points each.


8: You are the Elite Priest/ess of all Fleckolytes. You live life at a Prefontaine pace with a Nekton mentality. You'll have a H.Y.P.P.R. and RTB tattoos before the end of the season.

5-7: You are the base Fleckolyte. You love everything he does and are convinced he's the guy to take us to the promised land. You're able to maintain some level of independent thought, though, and have not joined the cult.

1-4: You like that Claeys was canned and are excited about what Fleck can bring to the table; but thing the whole RTB thing and his mannerisms are weird. You're putting up with it, though because you can see the potential.

0: You're indifferent toward life because our role in it ultimately has no meaning. Your day consists of getting up, going to work, going home, eating, pooping and going to sleep. You pray for an easy death as you know there's nothing on the other side.

-1 through -4: You're still not really sure why Claeys got fired. You were really pissed about it when it happened and considered being done with the program. But your passion got the better of you and you're willing to see how things go. Fleck is annoying as hell, though, and you wish he'd shut up.

-5 through -7: You're still really angry at the administration for the way they treated Claeys and believe he was railroaded so Coyle could get his guy. If there was a purge day where murder was legal, you'd be parked outside of Kaler's house, waiting for 12.01 AM.

-8: You are the King/Queen of Snorlaxia. You were friends with the coaches, players and players's families and are still outraged at the U. You cut your donations down if not gave up your tickets entirely. You will never miss an opportunity to castigate Fleck for every coaching and personnel decision because you are singly responsible for defending Claeys' honor.

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