Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three Days Later Live Blog: Gophers vs USC

So, Swan says to me last week, "We should do a podcast of the game!" 

After lolling I mentioned that was way too aggressive for our level of laziness, so I proposed we just sort of take notes and maybe record some live clips while we watch the game at the bar.  So, of course we never recorded any clips (maybe next time?), but I did managed to take some notes on my phone.  What follows are my notes from the hours of 11am to 6pm during Saturday's Gophers/USC tilt.

12:30pm  I remember that I was going to take notes.

12:40  Pat Fitzgerald, the Northwestern HC has a huge case of Cowher Chin Syndrome. He really juts that thing out there.

This is the closest pic I could find showing the CCS.

12:50  Time of first bourbon.  Maker's Mark...I ordered it neat to see what kind of pour they were doling out. It shows up on the rocks and the pour is weak.  It's still delicious.

1:15  Ohio State's Bauserman to Stoneburner connection is an epic name combo.

2:13  NW Soph RB Mike Trumpy absolutely eats a safety's shoulder and is KO'd. 

2:14  That same safety, RS Frosh Sean Sylvia comes up huge with a short yardage stop.  Gophers should trade for him.

2:15 38-35 Utah state. Aggies going to do this?

2:17  BC driving to tie...

2:19  Bc with :18 left. 3 shots at the EZ?

2:20  Qb gets mowed to end it. I suck at capping.(had BC -2.5)

2:25 TRE's Keys to the USC Game:
                     1.  Don't get lost in Matt Barkley's eyes.   (This dreamboat is deadly!)
                     2.  The Gopher Secondary should grow 2-3 inches each.
                     3.  Release MarQueis!

2:31 Trojan dude throws sword in field

Kick-ass Tevas, Dude

2:36  Kickoff oh fuck

2:?? Strange decision to kick by Gophs - first drive fail - might have been tipped.

2:50  3 tackles in a row for Vereen.  Good that he's making the tackles, bad that it means a series of completions.

2:54  7-0 USC. Puke (not a real puke, SGH?.com holds their liquor)

3:12 Du'ane looks quick for the first time in 3 years.

?:??  12-3 USC.  Gophers actually drive for a bit.  Fun.

?.??  19-3 USC, two consecutive incompletions for Matt, he's a man, not a machine.

4:33  Minnesota scores, 19-10!  I pour Swan a beer and spill all over his phone.

4:37 Discussion on how bad boxer beer is.

5:15 Queis may be dead, Gingerballs: activate. Jameson: activate.

5:16  Gingerballs slinging 

?:??  Gingy hysteria

Don't Touch Me!

5:23   Yd1  <--(Not sure on that one)

?:??  Notre Dame old guy getting  love.  (There was this creepy old dude dressed in all ND gear that was trying to make friends with everyone there. He buddied up with a table of gals here.)

5:27 Swan screams die in a fire

?:?? USC continues to not use Thierry (who?), their best RB. God Bless them.

5:32 Queis may return, but do we want it?

5:34 3 mins left, Gophs need a stop.  Waitress annoying us by saying she's leaving and giving us tab.

5:37 just 2:08 left and the Gophers have a chance to win. 19-17

?:??  Gingy throws a pick, but it's not a terrible pass.

19-17 final. Cover!

My T-Shirt Adjustment

Notes:  It looks like Senser's in Roseville is not the place to watch games if you're a Gopher fan.  There were maybe 10 Gopher fans there and a boatload of Nebraska and Iowa fans.(and one special ND fan)  It was a really weird vibe.  All in all, it was a fun game and an exciting finish.  You could already tell that this team is better coached as there where *gasp* halftime adjustments! Both the defense and offense buckled down in the second half and really made things interested.  Can't wait for next week!

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