Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Three Days Later Live Blog: Gophers vs NMSU


Man, what a weekend.  There were a series of things that went wrong on Saturday, but there were also some highlights (mostly not football related).  The Gopher's loss to the Aggies is most likely directly related to the fact that I forgot the Gopher flag for tailgating. I left it in my garage.  Sorry about that bros and broettes.

Per usual, we were the first truck to arrive in our Saint Paul tailgate lot.  Despite an exhaustive search (seriously, this probably should be a whole separate blog post), we chose to roll into the lot playing UGK - International Players Anthem (I Choose You) for the 3rd year in a row.  Check out this sweet SIMS version of the video:

When I pulled into our spot and parked I quickly realized and then announced that "I forgot the flag".  Swan bellowed a "NOOOOOOOO" that shook grandstand nearby.  Other than that though, tailgating went really well.  Giant Jenga was in play as well as the cornhole boards.  A lot of our old friends returned, including a group that gets a pretty big game of flippy (tippy?) cup going.  Our good buddy Lumpy who joined us for the game decided to get in on the flip cup action.  I'd like to apologize to all of the folks that were forced to witness the explosive vomiting that occurred shortly thereafter.  At least it was all beer.  Good times.

Let's go to the LIVE blog:

?:?? Late for kick-off as usual.

3:25 7-7, some questionable play calling by the Gophers.

?:??pm Pick by Queis, hate everyone. Also, Lumpy puked everywhere and is still at my truck with my keys.  (I know this is redundant but I think it's awesome that I was still thinking about it during the game)

3:29pm Wide open post for Aggie touchdown; crowd is silent.

?:??pm Worried about Gray: passes suck, no runs.

?:??pm  My brother says "they're a bunch of pussies" as they blow it on a 4th and 1.

?:??pm 20-7 Aggies, oh hell, we do suck.

3:44pm So effing HOT in the 105. (our section)

3:56pm Queis throws a pick right after the Gophers picked the ball off from NMSU?????


4:06pm TD just before half-time, mood improves, women dancing.

Swan's arm there on the right.

4:16pm 21-14 NMSU - text received from www.DownwithGoldy.com asking if we still got hope? Of course we do, traitor.  Shortly thereafter I sent DWG this vid (the uber loud guy is Swan):

4:24pm Not quite ready to dominate.

4:30pm Shortell in the game. (apparently due to more cramping what the hell?)  Sun is out, he runs a great zone read to kick off the second half.

4:56pm Crowd cheers for punt, apparently unaware we're getting crushed.

5:02pm Miserable pass defense by Rallis


5:03pm BS pass interference call on MN

5:19pm Brutal third down call, lob right, however pass on 4th down works!

5:42pm Kim (Royston) and Christyn (Lewis) all chick name safety unit in!

5:44pm TREbro makes his second call to the wife from the stands.  "No, I love you more schmoopy"

5:50pm 5 minutes left on the clock and Swan is telling me he's ready to go.  WTF?

5:51pm NMSU inexplicably passes with 2:14 left on the clock.

?:?? Minnesota at their own 10 with 2:02 left.  At the 28 wth 1:49 to go.

6:00pm Refs hate us.  4th and 10 with :20 left.

<end transmission>

This was where Coach Kill collapsed.  It was crazy eerie in the stadium; pure silence.  We were frantically working mobile devices.  I even went up and talked with our security buddy we affectionately call "The Iceman".  He said they were running to get the defibrillator.  How scary is that?  Props to @MVofDT for giving some info out via Twitter.  I'm sure everyone knows by now that he's fine and is expected to coach this Saturday.  The seizures have happened before and could (please no) happen again.  Let's get Kill and Queis IVs every half.  Who's with me?

This was an amazingly tough loss for this team.  To get beat so badly in so many phases was just painful; the secondary, the defensive line, the offensive line and running game.  And the drops! C'mon guys.  Hope springs eternal for a moron like me though and at least we have a sweet stadium and a great tailgate going, right?

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